Jaipur Rugs

Jaipur Rugs has 700 employees and a network of >40,000 artisans in 600 rural villages spread across five Indian states. Its business model is end-to-end, from sourcing wool to exporting handmade rugs. More can be found about Jaipur rugs, for example:

  • Article from Doug Kirkpatrick in 2019[1]
  • Leadermorphosis Podcast Interview of M. Nand Kishore Chaudary on love, collective consciousness and self-management[2]
  • Blog article from Adam Yukelson (Theory U workshop)[3]
  • C. Manufacturing
  • India
  • > 500

  • Profit

Teal Practices

A few years ago, the HR department in Jaipur Rugs was renamed “The Search for Divine Soul”. The company believes that all people are unique in their own way and their sense of purpose can add to the company’s higher purpose. Recruitment is based on how candidate can add to company values. Interview questions are designed to learn about candidates’ purpose and principles—rather than focusing on experience and academic background. The founder is directly involved in this process, and often takes the final interview. Managers at Head Office do the initial interviews. Final decisions are made by consensus of all stakeholders.

For more insight, please look at the following blog articles from the founder:

Onboarding programs are immersive and extensive. They offer induction for joiners and run up to 5 days. There they learn about every vertical from the grassroots (villages) to the head office. This includes even the artisans. HR department arranges for representatives from each department to present about their work, so each new joiner gets a common understanding. A lot of resources, including videos, and business process are shown and explained. The Artisan Engagement Program ensures they have a holistic understanding of the company and its business model.

Training is an essential part of the development programs both for grassroots (villages) and head office people. In 2020, Jaipur Rugs completed a leadership training session based on the founder’s ‘mentality model’. This training helped everyone to share best practices (including self-management) from around the world. The leadership department takes care of this training, which is offered regularly to ensure good participation. The company has formed teams to learn self-management in various ways, including participation in webinars & forums, and small experiments in the teams.

For more insight, see the following blog articles from the founder:

Jaipur Rugs brings rural craftsmanship to global markets via handmade carpets. It is a family business based in Jaipur, and offers hand-knotted and woven rugs made using traditional art forms. The founder, Mr. Nand Kishore Chaudhary, created a business model which provides a livelihood for the artisans at their doorstep. This changed the standard practice of involving middlemen to work with artisan communities.

For more insight, please see the following articles from the founder:

Most people don’t have a single “job” that fits a generic description. Rather, they fill a combination of roles. They have the space to grow and co-create with other departments and explore their interests. When a candidate joins, they have a period of probation (3-6 months) during which they explore their interests, and eventually decide on their work role. This depends on requirements from specific teams. But the idea is that each individual gets the chance to choose their tasks according to interest and passion (always given these align with company’s vision). This period also allows the company to assess and understand the candidate. So, it’s win-win. Plus, employees participate in sessions where they provide feedback for management. Each department has such sessions. Additionally, the founder has an open-door policy. This is a direct platform for anyone to go and talk to the founder, which can also help individuals to talk about their roles, if and when required.

For more insight, please look at the following blog article from the founder:

Members fill roles that are created, exchanged and discontinued in response to current needs. They aren’t put in a box with a job title. There is space to grow and explore. Some artisans become leaders, entrepreneurs or designers. Leaders: A program called Bunkar Sakhi (meaning Artisan Leader) allows artisans to receive leadership training. They then help fellow artisans to achieve best quality in their work. Entrepreneurs: Jaipur Rugs artisans have opened centers of weaving in their homes. They have become tour guides for customers and visitors. Artist: Under the Manchaha Program (meaning Artisan Original), Jaipur Rug artisans create and design their own rugs.

For more insight, please look at the following blog articles from the founder:

Reviving the dying art of carpet weaving and creating community are at the core of the company’s business philosophy. Jaipur Rugs has worked to bridge the gap between weavers and consumers.

In the following blog article, the founder explains how running his company requires him “to be flexible and free flowing like water” :

Materiały dodatkowe

  1. Self-Managed Art That You Can Walk On Doug Kirkpatrick April 11, 2019 https://medium.com/redshift-3/jaipur-rugs-self-managed-art-that-you-can-walk-on-5756479726e0 ↩︎

  2. Leadermorphosis Podcast Interview of M. Nand Kishore Chaudary on love, collective consciousness and self-management https://leadermorphosis.co/ep-57-nand-kishore-chaudhary-from-jaipur-rugs-on-love-consciousness-and-self-management ↩︎

  3. https://adamyukelson.com/blog/2016/07/25/jaipur-rugs ↩︎